Classification of Stone Masonry These are two types and Rubble and Ashlar masonry are of the following types 1. Rubble Masonry In this type of masonry, stones of irregular sizes are used. The stones are obtained from quarry are taken to be used in the same form or are broken and shaped into suitable sizes by means of hammer as the work proceeds. The strength of rubble masonry depends upon 1. The quality of mortar 2. The proper filling of the mortar between the spaces of the stones. 3. The use of the long stones at frequent interval for proper bonding. a. Coursed rubble masonry In this type of rubble masonry the heights of stones vary from 20 to 50mm. This type of masonry is used for the construction of public and residential buildings. Also coursed rubble masonry divided into 3 types 1. Coursed rubble masonry I sort: In this type stones of the same height are used and the courses are the same heights. The thickness of the mortar joint does not exceed 10mm. 2. C...
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